The Social Hierarchy and Dominance of Tortoises

Reading Time: 28 minutes
The Social Hierarchy and Dominance of Tortoises

Table of Contents

The complex web of social dominance and dominance hierarchies is one of the most interesting things about the animal kingdom. 

As we learn more about the strange world of tortoises, we are taken to a place where creatures that seem to move slowly weave a complex web of social order. 

The social hierarchy and dominance of tortoises are interesting to researchers and enthusiasts alike because they are based on a delicate balance of power and authority. Understanding these relationships is about much more than just being intrigued by them. 

It gives you a deeper understanding of how their lives work. In this first look, we take a trip through the mysterious halls of tortoise society to try to figure out how their social order works. 

We hope to shed light on the fascinating world of social hierarchy and dominance in tortoises, where power and influence are intertwined in ways that challenge our ideas about the animal kingdom.

Social Hierarchy in Tortoises

In the world of tortoises, social hierarchy is the way that tortoises in a group are organized, with a clear ranking system based on who is dominant and who is submissive. 

It shows how the power relationships between tortoises affect their relationships, access to resources, and ability to have babies. 

Tortoise’s actions, such as aggressive displays, posturing, and where they stand in a room, often show where they are in the social pecking order. 

Most of the time, tortoises in higher positions show who is in charge, while tortoises in lower positions defer to their superiors.

Formation of social hierarchy in Tortoises

Tortoise’s social order is made up of many different parts and is affected by many different things. Size and age are important because bigger and older tortoises tend to be at the top of the hierarchy. 

This is because their size and years of experience give them a physical edge and allow them to take control over tortoises that are smaller or younger. 

The process of making a hierarchy can also be affected by social learning, which is when tortoises watch how others act and copy them.

Antagonizing interactions are a key part of how social hierarchy is set up. Tortoises fight for dominance in these situations by head-butting, biting, and ramming their shells into each other. 

The results of these fights determine the order of things, with the winners getting higher positions and the losers getting lower ones. 

It’s interesting that establishing a hierarchy doesn’t always involve physical fights. For example, some tortoises use rituals and body language to show who is in charge.

It is important to remember that tortoises do not have a fixed social order. It can be fluid, with shifts in who is in charge happening over time because of changes in health, age, or the arrival of new tortoises. 

As tortoises try to keep or improve their social standing, these changes can cause fights and reshuffling within the hierarchy. 

These changes show how adaptable and flexible tortoise societies are. They also make sure that the hierarchy stays flexible and changes the structure.

Understanding how social hierarchy develops in tortoises can teach us a lot about how they act and interact with each other. 

Researchers learn more about the complicated social lives of these creatures that seem to move slowly by studying the ways and details of hierarchy formation. 

This information also helps us understand how other animals’ social systems work, which could help us figure out how our own social systems work. 

The study of how tortoises get along with each other is a fascinating and ever-changing field. Each new discovery adds another layer of complexity to what we know about these amazing animals.

Factors affecting social hierarchy in Tortoises

Tortoise’s social order is based on a lot of different things, which creates a complex web of who is in charge and who follows orders. 

Size and Age

Size and age are two of the most important factors that determine a tortoise’s place in the hierarchy. 

Most of the time, bigger and older tortoises have higher ranks because their size and experience give them a physical advantage and make it easier for them to take charge. 

This can be seen in how they act with each other. Older tortoises tend to be more dominant, while smaller or younger tortoises tend to be more submissive.


Sex is also a very important part of how the social hierarchy is made. Some tortoise species, like the African spurred tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata), have a social structure that is different for males and females. 

This is because males tend to be bigger and more aggressive than females. As a result, male tortoises tend to be higher up in the social order than females. 

But it’s important to remember that not all tortoise species show this kind of sexual dimorphism, and the effects of sex on social hierarchy can vary between taxa.

Behavioral Traits

Tortoises have a social hierarchy that is partly based on how they act. Some tortoises may act more dominant or submissive than others, which affects where they are in the hierarchy. 

Assertiveness, aggression, and a willingness to get into fights are all examples of dominant traits, while submissive traits include avoiding fights, trying to make others happy, and running away from fights. 

These tendencies affect how the tortoises interact with each other, which strengthens the hierarchical structure.

Dominance relationships in the social hierarchy of tortoises

Tortoises have a complex network of dominance relationships, and different roles are given to different tortoises based on where they are in the social hierarchy.

Alpha Male and Female

The alpha male and female are in charge at the top of the hierarchy. These dominant tortoises are at the top of the food chain and have special access to food, mates, and territories. 

They are often the biggest and most experienced members of the group, and they show that they are in charge by being aggressive, defending their territory, and having all the offspring.

Subdominant Males and Females

The alpha pair is at the top of the hierarchy. Below them, subdominant males and females are in lower positions. 

They don’t have as much access to resources and mates as the alphas do, but they are still above the subordinates. 

The subdominant tortoises may try to take over the alphas’ position, which could lead to power struggles and possible changes in the hierarchy. These interactions help keep the group stable and keep the balance of power in check.

Juvenile and Non-reproductive Tortoises

Tortoises that are young or can’t have children are usually at the bottom of the social hierarchy. They don’t have much access to resources and are usually below both the alpha and the subdominant. 

But as they get bigger and older, they may slowly move up in the social order, competing with older members of the group for higher positions.

The order of dominance in a tortoise’s social group is not set in stone and can change over time. Changes in physical condition, competition for resources, or the addition of new tortoises to the group can all cause changes in who is in charge. 

Because of these changes, the hierarchy stays a flexible system that can adapt to the changing needs and situations of the tortoise community.

Understanding the complicated factors that affect the social hierarchy and relationships of dominance in a group of tortoises gives us a lot of information about how they act and interact with each other. 

Researchers learn more about how these amazing creatures interact with each other by looking at how size, age, sex, and behavior are linked. 

Also, these results help us learn more about social systems and dominance relationships in the animal kingdom as a whole. 

This shows how important it is to study tortoises as a key part of figuring out the complexities of social behavior.

Dominance Displays of Tortoises

Tortoises use a variety of behaviors to show who is in charge and where they stand in the group’s hierarchy. 

These behaviors are called “dominance displays.” These displays are ways for tortoises to tell other members of their community what they want, how dominant they are, and where their territory ends. 

The dominant displays of tortoises are very important for keeping the social order, preventing fights, and distributing resources. 

By studying these behaviors, researchers can figure out how social relationships and power structures work in groups of tortoises.

Types of dominance displays in Tortoises

Head bobbing

Head bobbing is one of the most common and noticeable ways that tortoises show who is in charge. The head moves up and down in a rhythmic way during this behavior. 

The speed and intensity of the movements depend on the situation. Head bobbing can be used to defend a territory, show interest in a mate, or show who is the boss when two animals are fighting. 

Head bobbing can tell you about a tortoise’s confidence, aggression, and willingness to engage in dominance-related interactions based on how often and how hard they do it.


Ramming is a forceful behavior seen in tortoises, especially when they are fighting for dominance. It happens when one tortoise hits another hard with its head or shell. 

Ramming can be accompanied by sounds like hissing or grunting, which make the effect of the behavior stronger. The goal of ramming is to establish dominance and scare off opponents, which usually leads to the other tortoise giving up. 

Tortoises usually see this behavior when there is a fight over territory or a fight for a mate. In these situations, tortoises try to show who is stronger by showing off how strong they are.


Dominant tortoises often chase subordinates or rivals to show who is the boss. The dominant tortoise chases after the subordinate tortoise, often at a fast pace, while the subordinate tortoise tries to avoid or get away from the dominant tortoise. 

Chasing shows show that the most powerful tortoise can control and tell others what to do and how to move. 

This shows that there is a hierarchy. It also sends a message to any potential rivals that the dominant tortoise is ready to fight for its position.


Biting is an aggressive behavior that tortoises use to show who is in charge. It happens when one tortoise clamps down hard on another, putting pressure on it to show who is in charge. 

When tortoises show aggression by biting, it can lead to physical fights in which they try to knock out or overpower their opponents. 

Depending on how close they are to each other, a bite can be as gentle as a nip or as forceful and hurtful as a chomp. This aggressive behavior is a key part of setting up and keeping the dominance hierarchy.

Tortoises’ different ways of showing who is in charge are fascinating examples of their social structure and power struggles. These behaviors are important ways for tortoises to tell each other where they stand in the social hierarchy. 

This helps them avoid fights that aren’t necessary. By figuring out what dominance displays like head bobbing, ramming, chasing, and biting mean and how they are used, researchers learn a lot about the complicated relationships and power structures in tortoise communities. 

Each display gives a clear picture of how complicated tortoises’ social lives are and how they use different behaviors to show who is in charge.

Functions of dominance displays in Tortoises

Tortoise dominance displays have a lot of different purposes. They are a key part of how social relationships develop and how the order of things stays the same in their communities.

Establishing dominance

One of the main reasons tortoises do dominant displays is to set up dominance hierarchies. Tortoises show that they are in a higher position and have more power over other tortoises by being aggressive and taking a strong stance. 

Dominance displays help set the pecking order so that everyone knows where they stand in the social hierarchy. By making it clear who is in charge, tortoises reduce the need for fights, which lowers the risk of injuries and keeps the group in order.

Maintaining dominance

Dominance displays also help tortoises keep their position of power in the social order. Once a tortoise has moved up in the ranks, it needs to show that it is in charge all the time to keep its position and keep subordinates or potential rivals from challenging it. 

Showing dominance over and over again reminds others of their lower status and makes them less likely to try to challenge or take over their position. 

Dominant tortoises can keep their special access to resources, mates, and preferred territories as long as they keep showing that they are in charge.

Repelling competitors

Repelling potential competitors or intruders is another important purpose of dominance displays. Tortoises who are in charge use their displays to scare away species that might threaten their status or resources. 

These behaviors show that the dominant tortoise is ready to defend its territory or its ability to reproduce. 

They send a clear message of dominance and discourage others from getting too close. By getting rid of competitors in a good way, dominant tortoises make sure they keep control of important resources and reduce the risk of being challenged for their position.

Contexts of dominance displays in tortoises

Tortoises show who is in charge in different situations, which helps us understand how power works in those situations.


During mating, when tortoises are competing for a chance to have babies, dominance displays are especially clear. To attract females, dominant males put on elaborate shows that often include head bobbing, ramming, and biting to show that they are stronger. 

These displays let females know how fit, aggressive, and fertile they are, which affects their choice of mate. 

Displays of dominance during mating are important for securing mating rights and increasing the chances of successful reproduction for individual tortoises that are dominant.


Dominance displays can also happen when tortoises are competing for a limited amount of food. 

Tortoises who are in charge can show it by doing things like bobbing their heads, chasing, or acting aggressively to scare off potential competitors and get first access to food. 

By showing their dominance in the right way, these tortoises can get an advantage when it comes to getting essential nutrients, which helps them stay healthy and alive.

Territory defense

Tortoises often put on dominance shows when they are fighting over their territory. When protecting their territory, dominant tortoises use a variety of displays to show that they own it and scare away other tortoises or animal species. 

These displays often include aggressive actions like ramming and biting, as well as vocalizations that show who owns the area. 

The dominant tortoise wants to show that it is in charge of a certain area, giving it exclusive access to resources and places to reproduce. Territory defense displays are important for keeping the lines clear and reducing fights over limited resources.

Understanding how and why tortoises show who is in charge gives us important information about the complicated social dynamics and power struggles in their communities. 

By looking at how dominance is established and kept, as well as how competitors are scared away, researchers learn more about how tortoises get along with each other. 

Also, knowing the specific situations in which dominance displays happen, like mating, eating, and defending a territory, shows what drives and shapes these displays. 

This information helps us learn more about how tortoises adapt to their natural environments and how they stay alive.

Factors Affecting Dominance in Tortoises

Size and Age

Tortoises’ dominance is largely based on how big they are and how old they are. Most of the time, tortoises who are bigger and older are more likely to rise to the top of the social hierarchy. 

Size gives a tortoise an advantage in terms of physical strength and the ability to dominate smaller tortoises.

Because they’ve lived longer and learned more about how to get along with others, older tortoises often act more assertively and are more sure of themselves when it comes to establishing their dominance. 

The fact that these tortoises are big and old gives them an advantage over other tortoises. This makes them the most powerful tortoises in the community.


In tortoise populations, a tortoise’s gender is a key factor in how dominant it is. In some species, males are usually more aggressive and have bigger bodies than females. 

This is called sexual dimorphism in dominance. Because of these differences between the sexes, male tortoises can move up in the social order. 

Males may put on intense shows and compete physically to show who is the strongest and gain access to mating opportunities. 

But it’s important to keep in mind that not all tortoise species show this kind of sexual dimorphism, and the effect of sex on dominance can change from species to species.

Behavioral Traits

How dominant a tortoise is depends a lot on how it acts. Tortoises that are dominant tend to act in certain ways that help them show they are in charge and keep their place in the social hierarchy. 

Some traits of tortoises who are dominant are assertiveness, aggression, confidence, and a willingness to get into fights. 

These animals are more likely to show signs of dominance and compete actively for resources and places to reproduce. On the other hand, tortoises that aren’t in charge may act more submissive, like avoiding or trying to make everyone happy. 

This lets dominant tortoises in charge keep their power. Tortoises in their communities have different roles and positions in society based on their personalities and how they act.

Understanding the factors that affect dominance in tortoises gives us important information about how the social hierarchy is set up and kept. 

Researchers learn more about how power and competition work in tortoise populations when they look at how size, age, sex, and behavioral traits affect who is dominant. 

This information helps us learn more about how tortoises have changed over time and how they interact with each other and have babies. 

Recognizing these factors also gives us a fuller picture of how complicated dominance is in the animal kingdom and shows how tortoises have adapted in unique ways to get around in their social worlds.

Environmental Factors

The social structure and dynamics of dominance in groups of tortoises are not just based on the traits of the tortoises themselves; environmental factors have a big effect as well. 

The way that dominance is spread among a population of tortoises is largely determined by how they interact with their environment.

Habitat Structure

The structure and features of a tortoise’s habitat have a big effect on who is in charge. Tortoises’ ability to establish and maintain dominance can be affected by where they can find shelter, hide, and get some sun. 

Tortoises that live in places with lots of rocks, fallen logs, or dense vegetation may have more chances to mark their territory and make sure they have good microhabitats. 

The different kinds of terrain and the complexity of the environment provide different kinds of resources and niches, which can affect how dominant species are spread out in the population.

Resource Availability

The availability of resources, like food, water, and places to nest, is a key factor in how dominant tortoises are. Tortoises with more power often have easier access to better resources, which gives them an edge over those under them. 

In habitats with few resources, dominant tortoises can take over the best places to eat or drink, which makes them even more dominant. 

The amount and distribution of resources can affect how fiercely tortoises compete for scarce resources and how aggressively they act. This, in turn, shapes the dominance hierarchy within the population.

The Density of Individual Tortoises

When it comes to dominance, the number of tortoises in an area can have a big effect. 

When there are a lot of tortoises living in a small area, there can be more competition for limited resources and territory, which can make interactions between tortoises more about who is the boss. 

When this happens, dominant tortoises may act more aggressively to protect their resources and protect their territory. 

In areas with fewer tortoises, on the other hand, dominance interactions may happen less often, and tortoises with less power may have more chances to use resources. 

The balance between competition and cooperation in a tortoise population’s social structure is affected by how many tortoises live there.

Understanding how the environment affects dominance in tortoises gives us a better idea of how organisms and their environments interact in complex ways. 

Researchers can figure out how the environment shapes social hierarchies in groups of tortoises by looking at the effects of habitat structure, the availability of resources, and the number of tortoises in the group. 

This information helps us learn more about how tortoises can adapt and survive in different environments. It also shows how important it is to protect and manage habitats to keep tortoise populations healthy and stable. 

Also, knowing the environmental factors that affect dominance makes it easier to understand the ecological dynamics of tortoise communities and what they mean for ecosystems as a whole.

Consequences of Dominance in Tortoises

Access to resources

Dominance in tortoises has significant consequences for other tortoises’ access to vital resources. Dominant tortoises often enjoy preferential access to prime feeding sites, water sources, and sheltered areas within their territories. 

This privileged access allows them to obtain a higher quantity and quality of food, increasing their overall nutritional intake and fitness. Dominant tortoises can also secure better nesting sites, which provide optimal conditions for egg incubation and protection. 

The access to resources conferred by dominance contributes to the survival, growth, and reproductive success of dominant tortoises, highlighting the importance of their hierarchical position in acquiring essential resources.

Reproductive success

Dominance plays a pivotal role in determining reproductive success among tortoises. Dominant tortoises have greater opportunities to mate and secure reproductive partners, ensuring a higher likelihood of passing on their genes to future generations. 

In some species, dominant males have exclusive access to females, reducing the chances of mating for subordinate males. 

Dominant females, on the other hand, may have priority access to nesting sites and the ability to select higher-quality mates. 

The reproductive advantages associated with dominance enhance the genetic fitness and success of dominant individual tortoises, shaping the evolutionary trajectory of tortoise populations.

Stress and health

Dominance can have implications for the stress levels and overall health of tortoises. While dominant tortoises enjoy various advantages, they also face increased social and physiological pressures. 

The responsibility of defending territories, engaging in dominance displays, and managing conflicts can lead to chronic stress. 

Elevated stress levels may negatively impact immune function, reproductive health, and overall well-being. Conversely, subordinate tortoises may experience stress due to social suppression and reduced access to resources. 

The complex interplay between dominance, stress, and health underscores the intricate balance between the benefits and costs of occupying different positions within the social hierarchy.

Social cohesion

The establishment and maintenance of dominance contribute to the social cohesion and stability of tortoise communities. 

The hierarchical structure provides a framework for social interactions, reducing the frequency and intensity of conflicts by establishing clear roles and expectations. 

Dominant tortoise species help regulate social behavior, mediate disputes, and maintain order within the group. 

Their authority and ability to deter potential conflicts promote harmonious coexistence and cooperation among tortoises. 

Social cohesion facilitated by dominance contributes to the overall functioning and resilience of tortoise populations.

Understanding the consequences of dominance in tortoises sheds light on the far-reaching effects of hierarchical structures within their communities. 

Access to resources, reproductive success, stress and health, and social cohesion all intertwine to shape the dynamics of tortoise populations. 

By comprehending the impacts of dominance, researchers gain valuable insights into the ecological and evolutionary implications of social hierarchies in tortoise species. 

Furthermore, this knowledge provides a foundation for conservation efforts and management strategies that prioritize the preservation of healthy social structures and the sustainability of tortoise populations in their natural habitats.

Applications of Understanding Social Hierarchy and Dominance in Tortoises

Conservation management

Understanding the social order and dominance of tortoises is important for keeping these reptiles safe and healthy. 

Conservationists can make sure tortoise species stay alive and are healthy by using strategies that take into account how dominance works within populations.

Population monitoring

Knowing about the social order and who is in charge can help with this. Researchers can learn about a population’s health and stability by looking at its social hierarchies and how they are put together. 

By keeping an eye on where dominant tortoises live and how they act, it is possible to find key population indicators and see how the population is changing over time. 

This information is very important for figuring out how well conservation efforts are working, figuring out what threats might be out there, and taking targeted management actions to protect tortoise populations.

Habitat restoration

Knowing the social order and who is in charge can help guide efforts to improve the quality and availability of habitats that are good for tortoises. 

Conservationists can prioritize the restoration of key habitats and the creation of suitable microhabitats by understanding how important it is for dominant tortoises to have access to resources and protect their territory. 

By doing things like giving tortoises a lot of places to hide and food, improving the structure of their habitats can help them set up and keep up dominant hierarchies, which is good for their long-term survival.

Reintroduction programs

These programs are a key part of saving threatened or endangered tortoise species. For these programs to work, it’s important to know about social dominance and hierarchy. 

If you already know how the tortoises in the source population interact with each other and who is in charge, you can choose the right tortoises to reintroduce. 

It is important to think about the presence of dominant tortoises that can help the reintroduced population set up social structures. 

By making sure there are dominant tortoises in a reintroduced tortoise population, reintroduction programs can promote social stability, reduce fights, and increase the chances of the population settling down and having babies.

Understanding social hierarchy and dominance in tortoises has uses that go beyond the level and have big effects on how these species are protected and managed. 

By using this information in their conservation practices, conservationists can make decisions that help tortoise populations stay alive and healthy in the long run. 

Tortoise species and their ecological roles in ecosystems can be saved by keeping an eye on populations, restoring habitats, and putting in place reintroduction programs that take social dynamics into account. 

With these applications, we can make sure that these amazing reptiles will still be around for future generations to enjoy and care for.

Captive breeding and management

To successfully breed and care for tortoises in captivity, it is important to understand their social order and who is in charge. 

Tortoises that live in captivity often face problems that don’t happen in the wild, and knowing how they interact with each other can help create good environments for them and improve their health.

Group composition

When you know about social order and who is in charge, you can put together groups of captive tortoises that work well together. 

It is important to think about the social dynamics and dominance relationships within the species in order to keep fights to a minimum and make sure everyone is doing well. 

Tortoises in a captive group should get along with each other and be able to set up a stable social structure. This helps to reduce stress and aggression, creating a peaceful environment where the tortoises can act naturally and get along with each other.

Husbandry practices

Knowledge of social hierarchy and dominance informs the development of effective husbandry practices for captive tortoises. 

Captive environments need to provide opportunities for tortoises to establish and maintain dominance hierarchies. This may involve the provision of multiple basking sites, feeding areas, and retreat spaces to accommodate the different social ranks within the group. 

By implementing appropriate husbandry practices, such as adequate space allocation, proper temperature gradients, and access to essential resources, caretakers can support the social dynamics and well-being of captive tortoises.

Behavioral enrichment

Understanding the social order and who is in charge helps people come up with ways to change the way captive tortoises act. 

The mental and physical health of these animals can be helped by giving them activities that bring out their natural behaviors and encourage them to interact with each other. 

As part of enrichment, puzzles or obstacle courses that require tortoises to work together or compete with each other can be used. 

Behavioral enrichment helps meet the social and cognitive needs of captive tortoises by giving them chances to show dominance and interact with other animals. This is good for their overall health and reduces stress-related behaviors.

Applying our understanding of social hierarchy and dominance in tortoises to captive breeding and management practices is crucial for the well-being and conservation of these reptiles in captivity. 

By considering group composition, implementing appropriate husbandry practices, and providing behavioral enrichment, caretakers can create environments that support the natural social dynamics and behaviors of tortoises. 

This approach contributes to the overall health and welfare of captive populations, enhances their reproductive success, and supports the conservation efforts of the species. 

By integrating our knowledge of social hierarchy and dominance into captive breeding and management programs, we can ensure the long-term viability and genetic diversity of tortoises, while providing them with fulfilling and enriching lives in captivity.

Understanding the dominance and social order of tortoises is very important for many reasons. First and foremost, it shows how these reptiles’ social structures and behaviors are very complicated. 

By figuring out how dominance works, researchers learn more about how tortoises in a population interact, compete, and work together. 

This helps us understand how complicated their social lives are and how important social hierarchies are to their survival and ability to have children.

Also, understanding social hierarchy and who is in charge can help protect tortoises and keep them in good condition. It makes it possible to come up with good plans for monitoring populations, restoring habitats, and reintroducing species. 

Conservationists can make decisions that help tortoise species survive and thrive in the long run by taking into account how tortoises interact within populations. 

Also, when breeding and managing animals in captivity, knowing about social hierarchy and dominance helps create good environments, improve the health and well-being of captive animals, and increase their ability to have babies.

Even though a lot has been learned about tortoise social order and dominance, there are still many interesting questions to be answered. One thing to look into is how the differences between tortoises affect dominance relationships. 

Investigating how things like personality traits, genetic differences, and experiences affect a tortoise’s place in the social hierarchy would help us understand dominance dynamics in a more complete way.

The effect of the environment on social dominance and hierarchy is another interesting area to study in the future.

By looking at how habitat quality, the availability of resources, and climate change affect dominance relationships, we could learn more about how well tortoises can adapt and stay strong in the face of environmental challenges. 

Also, studying how social hierarchy interacts with other ecological factors, such as predation pressure or interactions between species, would give a more complete picture of the role of dominance in communities of tortoises.

Recent advances in technology, like GPS tracking and genetic analysis, offer exciting new ways to do research in the future. 

When you combine these tools with research on social hierarchy and dominance, you can learn a lot about how tortoise populations move, how they defend their territory, and how their genes are related. 

This approach from different fields would help us learn more about how the complex social structures of tortoises work.

In conclusion, it is important to understand the social hierarchy and dominance of tortoises in order to understand their social behaviors, improve conservation efforts, and improve how they are cared for in captivity. 

Researchers can contribute to the conservation and well-being of these amazing reptiles by continuing to study the complexities of dominance dynamics and the effects of individual and environmental factors. 

The study of social hierarchy and dominance in tortoises gives us a fascinating look into the amazing world of these ancient animals and how they live together.

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