What Deters Raccoons?

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ways to deter raccoons away

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Raccoons can be a big nuisance, especially if they’re getting into your trash or tearing up your garden. These clever creatures know how much damage they can do when there is no one around, so it falls on YOU as their human neighbor (or homeowner) to ensure these pests stay away by deterring them via natural repellents or strong chemicals.

They can make your home their own if you live in an area with plenty of woods, but some things will help keep them away!

Here are some of the most common deterrents used to keep raccoons away from homes and gardens.

Common deterrents used to keep raccoons away

Use a motion-activated sprinkler

One of the most common and effective ways to deter raccoons is to use a motion-activated sprinkler. These devices are triggered by movement and release a short burst of water when activated. The sudden noise and movement are often enough to startle raccoons and send them running for the hills!

There are several different brands and models of motion-activated sprinklers on the market, so be sure to research to find one that best suits your needs.

Place a radio near the trash cans, playing loud music

Raccoons are nocturnal creatures, so they are most active at night when everyone is asleep. If you have a problem with raccoons rummaging through your trash cans, try placing a radio near the cans and playing loud music throughout the night. The constant noise will deter the raccoons from coming near your property.

You can also use this method to keep raccoons away from your garden. Simply place the radio near the edge of your property, where the raccoons are likely to enter.

Mount an owl decoy in the yard

Another effective way to deter raccoons is to mount an owl decoy in your yard. Owls are natural predators of raccoons, so the presence of an owl will often keep raccoons away from your property.

There are several different types of owl decoys on the market, so be sure to research to find one that best suits your needs.

Use ammonia-soaked rags

Raccoons have a strong sense of smell, so strong odors can deter them. Ammonia is a particularly effective deterrent, as it is both smelly and unpleasant.

To use this method, simply soak some rags in ammonia and place them near areas where raccoons are likely to enter your property, such as the trash cans or garden.

Check the rags regularly and re-soak them as needed to keep the smell strong and pungent.

Spray raccoon repellent around the perimeter of your property

If you’re looking for a more long-term solution, raccoon repellent may be the way to go. Raccoon repellents are available in both liquid and granular form and can be found at most hardware stores.

To use this method, simply spray the repellent around your property’s perimeter, focusing on areas where raccoons are likely to enter. Reapply the repellent as directed on the package to maintain its effectiveness.

Install a fence around the perimeter of your property

If you’re serious about keeping raccoons away, you may want to consider installing a fence around your property. This is often the most effective way to deter raccoons, as it will physically block them from entering your property.

Trap the raccoon and release it far away

If you have a persistent problem with raccoons and none of the above methods seems to be working, you may need to resort to trapping the creatures.

Naphthalene balls

Naphthalene balls are commonly used to repel moths, but they can also be effective at deterring raccoons. Simply place the balls in areas where raccoons are likely to enter your property, such as the trash cans or garden.

Check the balls regularly and replace them as needed to maintain their effectiveness.

Strobe lights

Strobe lights can effectively deter all sorts of pests, including raccoons. The flashing lights will startle the creatures and keep them away from your property.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is a natural repellent that can deter various pests, including raccoons. Simply soak some cotton balls in lavender oil and place them in areas where raccoons are likely to enter your property, such as the trash cans or garden.

Replace the cotton balls as needed to maintain the scent.

Hair clippings

Hair is another natural repellent that can be used to deter raccoons. Simply sprinkle hair clippings around areas where raccoons are likely to enter your property, such as the trash cans or garden.

Be sure to use fresh hair clippings, as older ones will lose their scent over time.


Vinegar is another natural repellent that can be used to deter raccoons. Simply soak some rags in vinegar and place them in areas where raccoons are likely to enter your property.

Check the rags regularly and re-soak them as needed to keep the smell strong and pungent.


Mothballs are commonly used to repel moths, but they can also be effective at deterring raccoons. Simply place the mothballs in areas where raccoons are likely to enter your property.

Irish Spring soap

Irish Spring soap is another natural repellent that can be used to deter raccoons. Simply place the soap in areas where raccoons are likely to enter your property.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is another natural repellent that can be used to deter raccoons. Simply soak some cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them in desired areas.

Replace the cotton balls as needed to maintain the scent.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is another natural repellent that can be used to deter raccoons. Simply sprinkle cayenne pepper around areas where raccoons are likely to visit.

Be sure to reapply after it rains or when the pepper loses its potency.

The deterrents that don’t work to keep raccoons away, and why!

If you’ve ever had a raccoon in your garbage, you know how frustrating it can be. You may have tried various methods to keep them away, but they always seem to come back. So what’s the deal? Are raccoons just determined to get into your trash, or are they more intelligent than we give them credit for?

It turns out that there are a few reasons why traditional deterrents don’t work on raccoons. First of all, they’re intelligent animals, and they quickly learn to associate certain things with food. For example, if you put a motion-activated light near your garbage can, the raccoon will eventually figure out that the light means there’s food inside.

Another problem with deterrents is that they’re not always consistent. For instance, if you only put the light on at night, the raccoon will learn that it’s safe to come out during the day. And if you only put the light on when the garbage can is full, the raccoon will learn to empty it out before coming back for more.

Finally, some deterrents can make the problem worse. For example, if you use a loud noise to scare off a raccoon, it may startle them and cause them to drop its food. Then you’ll have an even bigger mess to clean up!

So what’s the best way to keep raccoons away? The best solution is to make sure they don’t have access to your garbage in the first place. This means keeping your cans securely lidded and ensuring no gaps or holes a raccoon could squeeze through.

You can also try using a raccoon-proof garbage can, which is designed to be difficult for them to open. Finally, you can contact your local animal control agency for help if the problem persists.

Effective chemical repellents that will help keep raccoons away.

There are a few effective chemical repellents that can help keep raccoons away from your property.

One of the most popular and effective products is Ropel®, a liquid concentrate that you mix with water and spray around the perimeter of your property.

This product contains ingredients that repel raccoons and other animals, including skunks, opossums, and cats.

Another option is Critter Ridder®, a granular product that you sprinkle around the perimeter of your property.

This product also contains ingredients that will repel raccoons and other animals. If you have a severe raccoon problem, you may need to use both products to keep them away from your property.

Simple precautions keep raccoons away.

In addition to using chemical repellents, you can take some simple precautions to keep raccoons away from your property.

Ensure all your trash cans have tight-fitting lids and don’t leave any food in the open.

Raccoons are attracted to garbage and will rummage through trash cans if they can access them.

You should also avoid feeding pets outdoors, as this can attract raccoons to your property. If you have a bird feeder, ensure it is located far away from your house so that raccoons can’t reach it.

Taking these simple steps will help deter raccoons from coming onto your property.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should you do if you see a raccoon near your home or garden – is it dangerous, and should you call for help?

If you see a raccoon near your home or garden, the best thing to do is to call a professional. Raccoons can be very dangerous and can cause a lot of damage if they are not removed properly. It is always better to be safe than sorry, so it is best to call for help rather than try to deal with the problem yourself.

How can you prevent raccoons from entering your property in the first place, and how can you tell if they’re already there?

You can do a few things to prevent raccoons from entering your property. First, ensure that all your trash cans are properly sealed and that no food is left out that could attract them. You should also check your property for any holes or gaps they could squeeze through. If you suspect raccoons are already on your property, the best thing to do is to call a professional.

What do raccoons look for in an ideal home environment, and what can you do to make your home less attractive to them?

Raccoons are looking for a safe, dark, and warm place. They will also look for a place that has food and water available. To make your home less attractive to raccoons, you should remove any potential shelter sites, such as piles of wood or debris. You should also keep your trash cans properly sealed and remove any food sources that could attract them.

How will a professional wildlife removal service help remove raccoons from your property?

A professional wildlife removal service will be able to safely and effectively remove raccoons from your property. They will have the proper equipment and knowledge to do the job right. They will also be able to help you take steps to prevent raccoons from returning in the future.

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