How To Get Rid of Ground Squirrels?

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how to get rid of ground squirrels

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If you’re anything like me, you’ll do whatever you can to keep squirrels out of your garden. They may be cute, but they can also be a real pain in the patootie.

So if you’re looking for tips on getting rid of ground squirrels, you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading for my top tips.

What Are Ground Squirrels?

Ground squirrels are small mammals that belong to the rodents family. They’re closely related to chipmunks, prairie dogs, and groundhogs. These critters are found worldwide, but they’re most commonly found in North America. Ground squirrels are generally brown or gray in color and have long tail.

They’re small, averaging around 8-10 inches in length and weighing just a few ounces.

What Do Ground Squirrels Eat?

Ground squirrels are herbivores, which means they mainly eat plants. Their diet consists of grasses, seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

In the wild, ground squirrels will also eat insects and other small animals.

Why Are Ground Squirrels a Problem?

Ground squirrels can be a problem for homeowners because they’re known to dig burrows in yards.

These burrows can damage lawns and landscaping. Additionally, ground squirrels eat flowers, vegetables, and fruits from gardens.

They can also carry diseases that can be passed on to humans and pets.

Ground Squirrel vs Chipmunk

Now that we know a little more about ground squirrels, let’s compare them to chipmunks. Both ground squirrels and chipmunks are small rodents that love to eat plants.

However, there are a few key differences between these two animals. For starters, ground squirrels are larger than chipmunks. Ground squirrels also have longer tails and are more likely to be found in open areas like fields and gardens.

On the other hand, Chipmunks are more likely to be found in wooded areas. They’re also good climbers, whereas ground squirrels prefer to stay close.

Signs of Ground Squirrel Damage

If you live in an area with a high population of ground squirrels, your home may be at risk of damage.

These rodents are well-known for their burrowing habits and their love of chewing on electrical wires.

This can lead to serious home problems, including fires, power outages, and expensive repairs.

Fortunately, there are a few signs that you can look for to determine if your home is at risk for ground squirrel damage. 

The best way to tell if ground squirrels are damaging your property is to look for the following signs:

Burrows in your yard

One of the most apparent signs of ground squirrel damage is the presence of burrows around your property. These animals are prolific diggers and often create extensive burrow systems close to buildings or other structures. These burrows can pose a serious trip hazard and undermine your home’s foundation or outbuildings. If you notice any suspicious holes or mounds of dirt around your property, it’s a good idea to contact a qualified wildlife control professional to investigate further.

Holes in your garden, trees or wooden structures

One of the telltale signs of ground squirrel damage is holes in your yard or garden. These pests love to dig, and they often burrow near buildings or fences in search of food or shelter.

Chewed flowers, vegetables, plants or fruits

Another common sign of ground squirrel damage is chewed plants or vegetables. These pests are known for their voracious appetites and will often nibble on leaves or roots in search of sustenance.

Chewed wires or insulation.

These rodents are notorious chewers and often gnaw on electrical wiring or telephone lines. This can lead to shorts in your electrical system or disruptions in your phone service.

Hid in attics or crawlspaces

Finally, if you hear strange noises from your walls or attic, there’s a good chance that ground squirrels have taken up residence in your home. These pests are known for their nesting habits and often build their homes in attics or crawlspaces.

If you notice any of these signs, ground squirrels are likely the culprits.

There are a few different ways to get rid of ground squirrels. You can use traps, poison, or repellents. All these methods can be effective, but you’ll need to be careful to avoid harming other animals or humans.

If you decide to use traps, check them regularly and dispose of any dead animals properly. If you’re using poison, follow the instructions carefully and keep it out of reach of children and pets. Repellents should be used as a last resort, as they’re not always practical.

7 Best Ways to Get Rid of Ground Squirrels

The best way to get rid of ground squirrels is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place.

You can do this by sealing up any holes or cracks in your foundation and trimming trees and shrubs away from your house.

Keep your yard free of food and water sources that might attract them. If you have a pet, keep it well-fed so it doesn’t become a target for these critters.

Ground squirrels can be a real pain, but with a little effort, you can get rid of them for good! Just be sure to take precautions to avoid harming other animals or humans.


One of the most common and effective ways to get rid of ground squirrels is to trap them. There are a variety of different traps that can be used, including live traps and kill traps. Live traps are designed to capture the squirrel alive so it can be released into an area away from your home. On the other hand, kill traps are designed to kill the squirrel outright.


Another method of getting rid of ground squirrels is to poison them. There are a variety of different poisons that can be used. Still, experienced professionals should only use them as they can be dangerous to humans and pets if not used properly. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that the poison will not harm other animals or the environment.


Exclusion is a method of removing ground squirrels that involves preventing them from entering your home in the first place. This can be done by sealing up any cracks or holes in your foundation and ensuring that all doors and windows are properly screened. Additionally, you can install a fence around your property to keep ground squirrels out.


Repellents are another way to keep ground squirrels away from your home. There are a variety of different repellents that can be used, including natural and chemical repellents. Natural repellents include things like garlic and peppermint oil, while chemical repellents include predator urine and mothballs.


Another method of getting rid of ground squirrels is encouraging predators to hunt them. Common predators of ground squirrels include snakes, coyotes, foxes, and hawks. If you live in an area where these predators are present, they can help control the ground squirrels’ population.


There are a few different diseases that can affect ground squirrels, and some of them can be deadly. Squirrelpox is one such disease, and it is fatal to ground squirrels. If you think that ground squirrels in your area are sick, it is best to contact a professional for help.

Removal Services

There are a variety of different companies that offer removal services for ground squirrels. These companies will come to your home and remove the ground squirrels. Additionally, they can advise you on how to prevent them from returning in the future.

Types of Ground Squirrel Traps

Two main types of traps can be used to catch ground squirrels: live traps and kill traps.

Live traps are designed to capture the ground squirrels alive so they can be released into an area away from your home. These traps are usually made of wire or plastic and have a door that closes when the squirrel enters the trap.

On the other hand, kill traps are designed to kill ground squirrels. These traps are usually made out of metal and have a short spring that snaps shut when the squirrel steps on it.

How to Set Up a Trap

Before setting up a trap, you must bait it with something that the ground squirrels will find irresistible. Standard bait options include nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Once the trap is baited, place it in an area where you have seen ground squirrels activity.

Be sure to check the traps regularly so you can remove any captured squirrels. Additionally, you may need to reset the traps if they have been triggered but did not catch anything.

How to Get Rid of Ground Squirrels Naturally?

One way to get rid of ground squirrels naturally is by using a product called ” Squirrelaway.” This product is made with a natural plant root that repels ground squirrels. Simply sprinkle it around your yard, and the ground squirrels will stay away.

Another natural method is using a water hose to spray the squirrels in your yard. This will deter them from coming back. You can also try planting specific plants that ground squirrels don’t like, such as marigolds or daffodils.

Letting it roam in your yard can also help keep ground squirrels away if you have a dog. The dog’s scent will deter the squirrels from coming back. Additionally, you can try using a motion-activated sprinkler to keep the squirrels away.

Castor oil is an effective way to deter ground squirrels. This natural product can be found at most hardware stores, and it works by creating a barrier that ground squirrels cannot cross. Simply apply the castor oil around your property, and the ground squirrels will stay away.

Finally, trapping ground squirrels is one of the best ways to get rid of them. Depending on your preference, you can use a live trap or a kill trap. Be sure to check the traps regularly so you can release the squirrels into an area away from your home.

With these tips, you should be able to get rid of ground squirrels quickly and effectively!

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