Lizards – Learn More About Attraction, Safety, Benefits, Disease and Pet Them

Reading Time: 9 minutes
Learn More About Lizards

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Lizards are common in many parts of the world. They can often be seen sunning themselves on rocks or darting across the ground.

Lizards can help keep down the population of insects, but they can also be a nuisance if they invade your home.

Have you ever wondered why there are suddenly lizards in your home? These sneaky little creatures can be a nuisance and are often hard to spot.

This blog post will discuss what attracts lizards to your home and how to eliminate them.

What attracts Lizards?

Several things can attract lizards to your home. One of the most common is food. If you have a lot of insects in your home, the lizards will be attracted to the easy food source. Other things that attract lizards are water sources, shelter, and warmth. If you have any of these things in your home, the lizards will be attracted to them. 

You must remove the things attracting them to your home to eliminate lizards. If you have a lot of insects, get rid of them by using insecticides or traps. If you have water sources like leaky faucets, fix them so the lizards will not have a water source.

If you have cracks or holes in your home, seal them so the lizards will not have a place to hide. And finally, if you have a warm spot in your home, make it less inviting for lizards by reducing the temperature.

If you follow these steps, you can get rid of the lizards.

Lizards are not harmful.

Lizards are often seen as pests, and for a good reason. They can be pesky little creatures that invade your home and make themselves comfortable. But are they all that harmful? Let’s take a closer look.

The simple answer is no; lizards are not dangerous to humans. They are generally relatively harmless creatures. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. Some species of lizard can deliver a powerful bite if they feel threatened, but the vast majority pose no threat to humans. 

Lizards can, however, be harmful to your home. They can damage insulation, chew through wiring, and leave droppings everywhere. If you have a problem with lizards in your home, the best solution is to call a professional pest control company that will safely and humanely remove them.

Lizards play an essential role in the ecosystems they inhabit by controlling insect populations. Without lizards, these insect populations would explode and cause many problems for the local environment. So, while they may be a nuisance in your home, lizards benefit the environment.

Although they are harmless creatures, they can quickly become a problem if they start breeding. If you have lizards in your house, the best action is to try to capture them and release them back into the wild.

3 Benefits of having Lizards in your home

It’s no secret that lizards can make great pets. They’re low-maintenance, quiet, and generally harmless to humans. But did you know that lizards can also provide several other benefits to their owners?

From helping to keep pests out of the house to provide free entertainment, lizards can be valuable to any home. Let’s take a closer look at how lizards can improve your life.

1. Pest Control

One of the most apparent benefits of having lizards in the house is that they can help to control pests.

Lizards are natural predators of insects, so having them around will help to keep your home free of unwanted critters.

If you have a particularly bad problem with pests, you may even consider getting more than one lizard to help keep the population under control.

2. Free Entertainment

Lizards can also provide their owners with hours of free entertainment.

Watching them crawl around and explore their surroundings can be strangely calming, and many people enjoy spending time observing their lizard’s behaviors and mannerisms.

If you’re looking for a pet that won’t require a lot of work on your part but will still provide you with some companionship, a lizard is a perfect choice.

3. Low-Maintenance Pets

Another benefit of owning a lizard is that they are relatively low-maintenance pets. Unlike dogs or cats, lizards don’t need to be taken for walks or given baths regularly.

Providing them with food, water, and clean habitat will make them happy and healthy.

This makes them ideal for busy people who don’t have much time to devote to their pet care routine.

There are many benefits to having lizards in the house. From pest control to free entertainment, these creatures can improve your life in more ways than one.

How long can a lizard survive in a house?

The average lifespan of a lizard is between 2 and 5 years. However, this varies depending on the species. For example, geckos can live for up to 10 years, while chameleons only have a lifespan of 5 to 8 years.

If a lizard finds its way into your home, it will probably only live for a few months before succumbing to starvation or dehydration. 

Lizards are cold-blooded creatures, which means they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. In the wild, lizards bask in the sun to warm up and seek shelter in shady areas to cool down.

However, if a lizard finds itself indoors, it will struggle to regulate its body temperature since houses are typically kept at a comfortable temperature for humans (between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit).

As a result, the creature will become stressed, and its lifespan will be shortened. 

In addition to struggling to regulate body temperature, an indoor lizard will also have trouble finding food and water.

Lizards are opportunistic feeders who eat just about anything they can get their hands on, including insects, spiders, fruits, and vegetables.

If there are no insects or other small animals for the lizard to eat, it will slowly starve to death.

How to coax a lizard out of hiding?

They are often very shy, however, and can be difficult to coax out of hiding. If you have a lizard that you would like to get to know better, here are a few tips on how to coax them out of hiding.

Patience is vital when trying to get a lizard out of hiding. It may take some time for your lizard to feel comfortable enough to come out and explore its new environment. Try offering them small insects or worms as a treat.

Once they realize that you are not a threat, they will be more likely to come out and explore. You can also try placing a heat lamp in their enclosure.

Lizards are cold-blooded creatures, and basking in the heat is one of their favorite activities. By making their enclosure warm and inviting, you may be able to encourage them to come out and explore.

Try offering them small insects or worms as a treat, placing a heat lamp in their enclosure, or simply giving them time to adjust to their new environment.

Do lizards carry diseases?

The short answer is no; lizards are not known to carry any diseases that can be transmitted to humans.

However, this does not mean that they are entirely harmless. Lizards can sometimes harbour bacteria in their mouths that can cause infections in cuts or open wounds.

For this reason, it’s always best to wash your hands after handling a lizard to be safe.

Lizards can bite if they feel threatened, although their bites are generally not severe. The more significant concern with lizard bites is the risk of infection.

As we mentioned, lizards can harbour bacteria in their mouths that can cause infections. For this reason, cleaning any lizard bites immediately with soap and water is essential and seeing a doctor if the wound shows signs of infection (redness, swelling, pus).

Another common concern people have about lizards is salmonella. Salmonella is a type of bacteria found in the intestines of many animals, including reptiles like lizards. While humans can contract salmonella from reptiles, the CDC reports that this is relatively rare.

In most cases, humans contract salmonella from eating contaminated food or coming into contact with contaminated surfaces (like Reptiles & Amphibians | CDC).

So as long as you’re washing your hands after handling your lizard friends and not eating them, you should be fine!

How do you catch a lizard by hand?

While they may not be the most cuddly or loveable of animals, lizards play an essential role in our ecosystems and can be exciting pets.

If you find yourself with a lizard on your property and would like to catch it by hand, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure a safe and successful capture. 

Once you’ve decided that you would like to add the lizard to your menagerie of critters, there are a few things you need to do beforehand:

Gather the proper supplies.

To safely catch a lizard by hand, you will need a pair of gloves (preferably leather), a small container with air holes, and some sort of confinement tools like tongs or forceps.

Baby powder can also be helpful as it will help prevent the lizard from getting a good grip on your gloves.

Place the container near the lizard but outside its direct line of sight.

You don’t want the lizard to feel trapped or cornered, making it more likely to bite or scratch in defence. 

Approach slowly and calmly from behind.

Lizards have very poor eyesight and rely heavily on their sense of smell.

If you come at them quickly or make loud noises, they will be alarmed and more likely to try to escape. 

Now that you have everything you need and have approached the lizard correctly, it’s time to catch them!

Clap your hands over the lizard’s back legs just behind its knees. This will startle them and cause them to arch their backs, making it easier for you to grab them with your gloved hand. 

Once you grip the lizard well, quickly place your other hand over its tail area.

Lizards can detach their tails when they feel threatened, so you want to ensure that doesn’t happen. 

Lift the lizard gently into the air, careful not to support its entire weight by its tail alone, as this could cause injury.

Walk quickly but calmly to your container and place the lid on tightly.

Just remember -approach slowly, stay calm, and be gentle!

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