The Reasons Why You Should Not Keep A Pet Tortoise

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Reasons Why You Should Not Keep A Pet Tortoise

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Keeping a tortoise may seem like a fun and exciting experience for those who like to have one. However, tortoises are only for some to keep, and there are reasons why there might be better companions for you than tortoises. 

In this article, let’s discuss why you should not take care of a tortoise and why you should reconsider or think about it first.

Reason #1: Tortoises Live Too Long

You might not want to keep a tortoise as a pet because they live so long. Tortoises can live for decades or even a century. 

Even though this may seem appealing initially to people looking for a long-term partner, it’s essential to know how much time and effort is involved. If you own a tortoise, you’ll have to spend a lot of time caring for it and ensuring it’s healthy. 

You must be ready to take care of your tortoise for the rest of its very long life. If you are unprepared for this long-term commitment and responsibility, caring for a tortoise is not for you.

Reason #2: They Are Not Interactive 

Opposed to popular belief, tortoises are not the most social pets. Tortoises are usually more solitary and independent than dogs or cats, who like to play with their owners and do better when interacting with others. 

Tortoises typically want to laze around in the sun or explore their surroundings at their own pace.

Even though tortoises may occasionally respond to their owner’s presence, you can’t expect a tortoise to always have a friendly personality or be interested in you. It is important to note that tortoises have various personalities, which might change from time to time.

A tortoise may not be the best choice if you want a pet that wants to be with you and actively seeks interaction.

Reason #3: They Require Specialized Care

Before deciding to keep a tortoise, you should also think about the special care they need. Tortoises have specific needs that must be met for their health and well-being. 

For example, they need an excellent enclosure with suitable temperature and humidity control and a balanced diet of different greens, vegetables, and sometimes fruits. Also, tortoises often need direct sunlight or special UVB lighting to help their shell and bones grow. 

Meeting these specific care needs requires knowledge, commitment, and sometimes a lot of money for things like setting up an enclosure, buying lighting equipment, and buying high-quality food. If you can’t provide their optimum needs, maybe it’s not time to keep one.

Reasons #4: They Demand More Space

Tortoises are not suited to living in small spaces. Due to how they act and grow, they need much room to roam and explore. 

Even though young tortoises may be able to fit in a smaller enclosure at first, they will quickly outgrow it as they grow. Adult tortoises need access to a large outdoor section or a significant indoor habitat that looks like their natural environment. 

It can be hard to give a tortoise the needed space, especially if you live in an urban area or have little outdoor space. Before deciding to get a tortoise, you should be prepared to ensure enough room for it. 

Reason #5: Keeping A Pet Tortoise Can Have Expensive Costs

Having a tortoise as a pet might seem like a fantastic idea, but you should consider how much it will cost before committing. One of the biggest problems with owning a tortoise is that setting up a suitable environment for these reptiles can be expensive. 

Moreover, ensuring a balanced and varied tortoise diet can be challenging and costly. Going to the store more often or buying exceptional food for tortoises can put even more strain on your budget.

You must be ready to shed some money on buying their necessary needs, which can quickly add up, requiring a significant investment. So, if you don’t have the finances, saving some before deciding on keeping a tortoise might be a better option.

Reason #6: They Undergo Long Hibernation Periods

Tortoises are known for being able to hibernate for long periods, which can be challenging for people who want to own them. Tortoises naturally go into hibernation when food is scarce in the winter. 

This helps them save energy when food is low. But hibernation needs to be carefully planned and watched over. 

It could be bad for the tortoise’s health or even kill it if it’s not done right. During this time, it can be hard to make the right environment for hibernation and ensure the animal stays at the right temperature and hydrated. 

Also, the length of hibernation can change depending on the species and the environment, so it’s essential to learn about your tortoise as well. However, if you think you won’t enjoy this boring yet busy time, a tortoise might not be for you.

Reason #7: It Might Be Illegal

Before you decide to keep a tortoise as a pet, you should find out the laws in your country or region about tortoise ownership. Some species of tortoises are protected by laws and rules because they are endangered by the illegal trade in wildlife. 

If you have a protected tortoise but don’t have the proper paperwork or permits, you could be fined or even have the animal taken away. So, you must check your local laws and talk to the right people or experts to ensure that owning a tortoise is legal in your area.

Overall, keeping a pet tortoise is no easy task. It is something that is not decided on a whim or excitement. It is a decision that requires firm commitment and careful planning. It is also a duty that requires a responsible and knowledgeable owner. 

There may be other unspoken reasons we haven’t covered yet; however, if all of the reasons in this article do not apply to you, that indicates that you are ready to keep a tortoise in your home.

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